22 Eylül 2014 Pazartesi

Someone Actually Paid $20,000 To Get A Third Boob

girl with three boobs

Meet Jasmine Tridevil, a 21-year-old licensed massage therapist from Florida who paid $20,000 to get a third boob, "I saved up for two years and I didn't spend any of that money and I'm dumping every penny I have into this. If this doesn't work, I'm through," Why? That is because she wants to stop being too attractive to men (Good luck with that, now you just got the weird men's attention who's into these kinds of shit.)and of course, attention. Well, she did get a lot of attention but not in a good way. I hope her decision won't leave a scar on her when she gets old and realized that she made a bad decision.

Unsurprisingly, Jasmine did get a hard time looking for a doctor who would agree to this kind of surgery, "They did have an issue with it and it was really hard finding somebody who would do it. Because they're breaking the code of ethics to do it," she explained. "That's why he made me sign a nondisclosure agreement because he's afraid he could get in trouble. But I called like 50 or 60 doctors, nobody wanted to do it."

Jasmine's parent stops talking to her and got disappointed by her decision, "It's been crazy. I told my mom on camera, so that's gonna be on my show, too. My mom ran out the door. She won't talk to me. She won't let my sister talk to me. My dad, I told my dad on camera, too. He really isn't happy. He's kind of ashamed of me, but he accepted it," but she seems to be enjoying the attention that she's getting from other people though and told about her other agenda for getting the surgery, "I was making really good money [being a licensed massage therapist] but now I'm trying to star in a reality show instead. I don't like that job," she shared, and later added, "My whole dream is to get this show on MTV. I hired a camera crew individually, so I'm the producer of this show right now."

Now, as a treat, here's a video of her doing a sexy dance:

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