Supergirl's Solitude had some strong and touching moments but the villain felt flat and lifeless.
This episode focused on the revelation that Alex makes to Kara for killing Astra but in a moving twist, Kara gives her a hug, forgiving her and even holding Hank's hand in gesture for their strength in teamwork.
The villain of this week- Brainiac visually look cool and alien like but I felt her to be quite flat and lifeless in her characterization as the fact that she could be taken down by a simple computer virus didn't exactly promote he strength.
I still didn't like the relationship between Olsen and Lucy to be really boring as their characters feel really two dimensional and I did't want to invest time on them. However, it did open up an opportunity for Kara and Olsen to get together but I don't really think they should because I don't think it would work out.
Also, it was interesting to see Siobhan's manipulation of Winn to be a good sideline plot that could affect Kara in the future. Although I do think that Winn has kind of disrespected Kara by becoming intimately involved with Siobhan as she was so malicious towards Kara.
But I do look forward to the next episode with the appearance of Silver Banshee who looks seriously cool with her skeletal features.